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We just bought a home in Palm Springs, CA and are making a number of improvements. The most appreciated gift would be towards our Home Fund. We don’t need toasters, appliances, housewares, flatware, curtains, or gadgets. We are painting, building a patio, installing lighting, chandeliers, tables, chairs, new electric, as well as hanging paintings and deco, and landscaping with rocks, palms and cacti. The simple truth is we would find gifts to our home fund most helpful.



Our New Home

Discovering Coachella

Hundreds of Hiking trails through Oasis and Mountains, the Warm Sun and Dry clear air of the desert, the stunning starfields on the back patio or on a nighttime hike with a local star-hunting group, the abundant neighbors of similar persuasions, the nightlife of Palm Springs and the Coachella Valley at large, the close up-and-personal excitement (and "heads-up!" foul balls) of the California Winter League, dancing clubs, and even the touch of Hollywood history and modernistic haunts. What’s not to love? After 5 years of renting, we finally decided this was THE place.

Making our House, Our Home

We bought the house last year, smack in the middle of the Housing Crisis, buying the best we could afford knowing there would be many changes we needed to do before we could call it home. Paint, spackle, drywall, rebuilding the bathrooms, creating a dining area, expanding the tiny dab of a patio into an outdoor living space, replacing the exposed fuse box, changing the outlets where the plugs keep falling out of (that's nearly all of them), installing sunshields against the mid-August 110+ sun, replacing those god-awful vertical blinds that keep falling apart, and wiring new light fixtures. And when we had the time, buy furniture and wall decor, a new chandelier, and landscaping – an entirely different animal in the desert with drip-watering, cactus, and palm. It’s our grand new adventure that we took on with gusto!

Oh and yes, we have a Guest Room just for you -- that is as long as you don't mind some spackle and drop cloths.

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